Supporting customers impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19)

Please contact us immediately if you have been affected by coronavirus by emailing us at to tell us about your current circumstances. Please include the factors that have impacted your income (e.g. you are following prevailing NHS guidance and have needed to self-isolate or your place of work has closed) and the effect that it has had on your income.

Only if we have a full picture of your circumstances can we provide an appropriate solution and the structure that has least impact on your credit profile.

Are you coming to the end of a payment deferral or reduced payment plan?

If we have agreed to defer or reduce your payments and the period of this arrangement is coming to an end then we will email you to remind you that you are due to return to your normal contractual monthly payments. If you can afford to start making your contractual payments then it is in your best interest to do so. If your circumstances have not changed and you cannot afford to start making your contractual repayments, then you should contact us as soon as possible so that we can review your situation and determine the most appropriate repayment options for your circumstances. These include allowing you to extend your existing reduced payment plan, or full payment deferral, for a further period of two months. A deferral of payments will not have a detrimental effect on your credit score, from the point at which you entered the deferral.

If your ability to make payments has recently been impacted by COVID-19 we have options to support you with your repayments. These include shorter and longer-term repayment options tailored to your personal circumstances.

We will utilise Open Banking and work with you to provide an accurate income and expenditure review to help ensure that we are able to offer you the most appropriate options based on your circumstances. We want to help you, so please be open and transparent as possible about your situation in your communications with us, to ensure that we can give you options that meet your needs and make one part of your life easier.

Our ethos is based upon AFFORDABILITY, and we will never ask you to make a payment that you find unaffordable.

We also appreciate that we may not be the only lender with whom you have credit commitments and it may be appropriate for you to seek advice on your wider position. The following independent organisations can provide you with advice and support you through your current circumstances. It is confidential and, if your circumstances are longer term, they will work with your creditors on appropriate solutions:

StepChange Debt Charity – or phone 0800 138 1111
The National Debtline – or phone 0808 808 4000
Money Advice Service – or phone 0800 138 7777

You can find out more information about coronavirus on the NHS 111 online website and the UK Government website: